RESULTS - Medal at Royal Golf and Country Club plus inter-team rivalry MatchPlay on 22 April 2023

RESULTS - Medal at Royal Golf and Country Club plus inter-team rivalry MatchPlay on 22 April 2023

Here are the results for the Medal competition at Royal Golf and Country club on Saturday 22 April.

Congratulations to Alex van Decraen for winning the competition with a net score of 69.

The eagerly awaited first inter-team rivalry MatchPlay also took place simultaneously and completed without a hitch and did add a fun new layer of enjoyment to the day. Fireballs prevailed over Dragons (9-7) and 4 Aces were victorious against Stingers (also 9-7) which had the effect of closing the gaps in the league points once multipliers and bonuses had been applied. In the regular Team event based on the OOM score of all players, it was business as usual with Dragons leading, then Fireballs, 4 Aces and unusually, Stingers, in last place.
